Amy Gutman MD, FACEP

Nominee's Key Links: 


Resume or CV:

Writing or Publications: Listed on her CV





Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Department of Agriculture

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

    HHS agencies, FDA, any federal regulatory board regarding food health and safety research and guidelines


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    Emergency medicine, resuscitation, prehospital care, research, nutrition, occupational health, administration, education


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) She is competent in her clinical practice and a proven researcher. She relies upon evidence-based medical practices to help guide her patients and audiences to live healthier lives free of the burden of chronic disease.
    2) She Is Honest in her opinions; one of her favorite statements is, "It is better to help a patient with an unpleasant truth than to harm that patient with a kind lie."
    3) Respect each individual's rights to make informed decisions about their health and healthcare.
    4) She has integrity in that she would leave a financially profitable position and a "safe" job, knowing that it was antithetical to her oath of "First, Do No Harm." She is willing to put her convictions on the line for the betterment of her patients and colleagues and has resigned in the past, knowing that she could not support decisions that violated her ethics.
    5) She has courage in her convictions, knowing that advocating for personal responsibility for health choices is not popular, especially in the setting of a corporate "sick-care system."
    6) Has a Proven Record of excellent clinical care globally, scientific and community education, research and service. She is a mother, wife, physician, and advocate for personal and corporate responsibility and a return to common sense yet evidence-based healthcare.