Brandon for ATF director 2025
Choosing Brandon is an easy decision. He knows what he’s talking about, he is intelligent and uses logic based reasoning in combination with years of experience in a broad range of things firearm related. A true Patriot.
Someone actually pro 2A in BATFE sounds like just the thing this country needs.
Not only does Mr. Herrera have an understanding of the political landscape, but he has a highly technical and historical expertise of all things firearm related. I believe he would be an asset to the people that the BATFE is responsible for protecting, and has failed at in the past.
One of if not the best possible Nominees. Put someone in charge who not only could disassemble a Glock, but actually designed a firearm from scratch. He has personal experience dealing with the laws for an individual, and the laws as an FFL. He may actually be overqualified for the position
I also Support Brandon for ATF director. I can’t imagine anyone better
It would be nearly impossible to find a man more qualified to manage the atf in a constitutional manner. Nobody more knowledgeable or that cares more about the causes.
Brandon has extensive knowledge and experience with firearms. I believe he would be a great choice to be head of the ATF.
I can’t think of anyone that would be more qualified for the position than Brandon
Brandon believes in the rights of Americans, but also is willing to take a stand for the safety of Americans. He will be common sense director of the ATF in his tenure, balancing the need for oversight and government control of our weapons technology, with the constitutional rights of citizens. His knowledge and experience with weapons is a qualifier, but more so, his involvement in the firearms community has built a reputation of trust that uniquely qualifies him for this position. Nothing could be more important in a regulatory position than the trust and faith of those being regulated. This is the entire basis of the United States government, representation. The director of the ATF needs to set a precedent of government for the people and by the people. If we are to be judged by a jury if our peers, we should be regulated by people that understand and represent us. There is no better candidate for the director of the ATF than Brandon Herrera.
Brandon would be an exemplary Director of the ATF. As an active FFL he has the knowledge of the firearm industry that the current director lacks
I would LOVE to have Herrara here. He’d actually be a man of the people and he’d work to remove the corruption in the ATF!
Please let it happen. This would be so fucking funny. No joke, it’d be great for the American people, but more importantly it’d be the funniest shit on the planet.
Brandon is the best choice for this role
He is exactly the type of person we need to run the ATF. We need someone with this level of experience to keep the balance in check. They been have run rampant making up nonsensical rules that don’t apply to the real world.
Please make this happen. There is nobody more qualified
+1 for Brandon Herrera.
It’s beyond time to get a director of the BATFE who is well versed in firearms and the second amendment. The director we have now is laughable, and has publicly admitted he’s not an expert in firearms. That’s embarrassing.
Brandon has the knowledge, expertise, ability, drive, and charisma that is needed for this position. His name is massive in the gun world, and he’s literally known as the AK Guy. I can’t think of anyone better suited for this position.
Another vote for Brandon Herrera!! His firearm expertise is greatly needed. The director of BATFE should be someone who is supportive of the 2nd amendment and supports gun ownership among the population.
Brandon is not only one of the most knowledgeable people in the industry, his experience on YouTube has made him an amazing person when it comes to communicating a fairly dense and technical subject to the public, making him an excellent choice to serve us in the government. During his campaign for congress, he also showed significant understanding and care for his fellow Americans and the constitution, easily making him a no-brainer when it comes to nominations.
I voted for Brandon because he has a straight forward, common sense view on firearms. He is an accomplished YouTuber and went head to head with Tony Gonzales. His incredible knowledge, patriotism and work ethic make him the perfect candidate for the job.
Brandon Herrera would be the first ATF director that is knowledgeable about the firearms it regulates and restricts.