Christine L Gregory

Nominee's Key Links: 

Bio: I am a 43-year old homesteader, property manager, and mother with a background in small scale egg farming.

Resume or CV: 

Writing or Publications:





Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Consumer Product Safety Commission

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

    Committee to Investigate Natural Flavors


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    I support holding the FDA and food manufacturers accountable for allowing so many toxic substances in our food supply. I support placing new restrictions on what type of ingredients are permitted in food products.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    We need so many hands on deck to tackle the multiple levels of corruption we face just in the food industry alone. I would like to nominate myself to focus on one specific group of toxins in our food supply: So-called Natural Flavors. No one really knows what they are, manufacturers are not required to divulge the true sources on their labels, and the catch-all phrase natural flavors is suspect and misleading as it encompasses lab-engineered additives. It also includes substances that may be considered natural but that no one would want to ingest if they knew their true origin, such as beaver anal secretions being used to mimick vanilla flavor. They may include solvents, preservatives and other chemicals. The truth is difficult to swallow but if we do not start confronting the uncomfortable facts, we cannot make progress in cleaning up our toxic food supply. 

    I will investigate the sources of Natural Flavors and hold manufacturers accountable for transparency in food labeling, with the ultimate goal of removing unnecessary natural flavors from food products altogether.

    I will expand my focus to investigate other questionable food additives with deceptive names such as citric acid, which may be grown on black mold, and not derived from citrus fruit as one would assume from the name.

    As a mother, I read food ingredients on packaging religiously and am highly discerning when it comes to choosing nutrition for my child and myself. When I was as young as 16 I published a DIY magazine called Awakening which dealt with dietary reform and embracing a healthy lifestyle. I would like to put my obsession with food ingredients to use for the greater good of helping the American People. I dont have a college degree, Ive learned from the school of life and this keeps me humble.

  • Christine Gregory is not only kind, but compassionate. She understands that our food is a key element to our lives, and that of our children. Our society needs to change the way that we view our food and nutrition for the betterment of all. Obesity and cancer are a direct result of the failure of the current FDA. I hope that people like Christine Gregory are given the opportunity to collaborate, bring insight, and change the way we feed America.


    Christine is an excellent candidate for a position in the Food and Agriculture category of the Make America Healthy Again initiative. She is extremely knowledgeable about additives, chemicals, dyes and other questionable ingredients in our food. The FDA is woefully inadequate in protecting U.S. consumers from harmful substances in our food supply. We need people like Christine who will work hard to ensure that our food returns to healthy and nutritious standards.


    Please note that the site has a glitch that removed the apostrophes in my submission. I do have good attention to detail regardless of the way the site formatted my last statement with the apostrophes removed :slight_smile:
    Also, to avoid any confusion- the video link goes to a Facebook profile called “Rambler’s Joy” - this is me; the Facebook name reflects my music project on Spotify. The person speaking in the video about natural flavors is myself, Christine.


    I enjoyed reading your nomination, thank you for sharing!!

    1 Like

    Chrissie has always been very conscious of ingredients the good being over taken by bad ones. She knew how to avoid the today junk food our past administration has forced the general Public. Watching the health of most decline. She would be the perfect addition to a new founded team to help restore our foods to become Healthy part of our diet again. Best of Luck !!!
    America Great & Healthy.


    Christine would be an excellent addition to this committee. Her passion for healthy eating has been evident since she was a teenager. She has inspired me to be health conscious for many years. I believe she will make a real difference in the pursuit to Make America Healthy Again.


    Thank you for taking the time to read my submission! It’s exciting to potentially be a part of something great!


    I missed putting my social media link in the bio, but I do have a FB page here: Redirecting...