Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Few people are as qualified to work in this administration as Dr. Tenpenny. She has worked tirelessly, for decades, to educate the public about the dangers of vaccines. You can see several of her videos on this page: RealCovidResearch.com: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Fighting to Wake up the Masses about Vaccines!

There are almost no doctors out there, who are willing to come right out and let the public know that vaccines are just plain dangerous, and are no longer our best option. Dr. Suzanne Humphries is another one of those brave individuals. Suzanne Humphries

Please, people, we need Dr. Humphries, too! These 2 women are a great team that could do so much good for our country. They already have, but if they’re working for the Trump administration, they could make a huge impact.

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