Stanley Shapiro

Nominee's Key Links: 


Resume or CV: Upon Request (I suggest ability to attach file to this form)

Writing or Publications: Copious





Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Health and Human Services

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited: <strong


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    I would be well suited to provide judicious insight, judgment and moral leadership to complex matters and competing values and interests; am well-trained, experienced in legal and regulatory matters, in investigating facts and marshaling evidence; am skilled in advocating and articulating policy positions; have strong interpersonal skills; am deeply committed to upholding the Constitution, and protecting free speech and individual liberties, democratic principle and ideals; I am an open-minded thinker, not tethered to conventional group think, and not threatened by diverse and divergent opinions and ideas. I too have long been troubled by the seeming failures and apparent lack of “curiosity” of our political leaders, regulatory agencies and public health officials in researching, investigating an publishing to identify root causes of the catastrophic upsurge trending in autism rates and chronic illness. (A nephew of mine, born in 1988, suffered from autism and sadly died in his twenties, in a group home.)

    I have advocated against the extraordinary immunity from product liability suits granted to vaccine manufactures, which has undermined product safety and public confidence. I have advocated against the change in law that permits direct to consumer television advertising of prescription drugs, that has resulted in the unintended consequence of permitting the Big Pharma multinational corporations to legally pass billions of dollars to the media corporations, permitting them to sponsor the news media, with its corrupting influence and creating a material conflict of interest upon the news media corporations.

    I have long advocated against the ever increasing vaccine mandates as it seemed to me more and more that the vaccine manufacturers were exploiting out government and public health authorities to become a coopted sales agent for their product. It seemed to me that vaccine manufactures should have to compete by persuading consumers aas to the merits and values of their product, like most every other seller, rather use their lobbying weight to turn the government into a super sales force, abusing the law. I also more and more have see the growing use of vaccine mandates as violation of our individual liberties. I believe that each of us should have the individual right of informed consent as to what drugs we inject into ourselves; and that it is a flawed and unreasonable health strategy if the effectiveness of the drug for those who want to inject the drug, depends on forcing the drug upon those others who do not want to inject the drug. If that is the strategy, than a new better drug or strategy should be devised rather than infringing the rights and overriding the informed consent of the unwilling patients. All the more so, where the vaccine is intended to be administered to healthy individuals, and of course the vaccines inevitably come with risks of adverse consequences.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent … Extremely
    2) Is Honest… Completely
    3) Is Respectful … Always
    4) Has Integrity … The Highest
    5) Has Courage … Outspoken proponent and NJ State Elector for RFK Jr.
    6) Has a Proven Record... Extensive


    I’m a Fellow Elector in AZ. I also threw my name in the hat. Crazy amzing times. Now we wait. :slight_smile:


    They seem like a good choice

    Stanley produced this incredible video that demonstrates his dedication to the U.S. Constitution and his ability to articulate what makes America Great! “How George Washington Endorsed RFKjr. For President in 2024 - Stan Shapiro”