Therese Rodriguez

Nominee's Key Links: 


Resume or CV:

Writing or Publications:





Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Justice
  • Small Business Administration
  • United States Institute of Peace
  • U.s. Commission on Civil Rights
  • United States Agency for International Development
  • U.s. Agency for Global Media

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited: <strong

    US Agency for Global Media a VOA coorespondent or Programming Director


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    This person supports Kennedys stance on health & nutrition specifically for children. Even though she has done amazing work in highlighting the plight of Dreamers in this country it is the children that she is most passionate about. That they are the by product of the decisions their parents make.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent ... In finding solutions to bring more cohesiveness within the Latino community . As well as understanding in what it is that the Latino community needs.
    2) Is Honest... and upstanding when it comes to justice and standing up for whats right. She has been an advocate for Dreamers in this country who came here as children, love this country and want to be here as tax paying citizens.
    3) Is Respectful ... As someone that was raised by immigrant parents being respectful of varying backgrounds. She has seen her mom become a US citizen and she was super proud of her. She knows the importance of standing up for what she believes in because she saw how her mother integrated into American society.
    4) Has Integrity ... because she grew up in a household where community was at the helm. That the family nucleus was what was important. So putting community first because her mother was a social worker for the City of New York. She saw it firsthand.
    5) Has Courage ... always has had a great discernment for doing whats right.
    6) Has a Proven Record... From the clients she has worked with and the community she has built within that she has a solid background in having a strong sense of building successful programs.