Nominee's Key Links:
Bio: Prospective Registered Dietitan, MS Candidate
Resume or CV:
Writing or Publications:
Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:
Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:
Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:
This extremely hard working individual has a BS in Nutrition and currently in the last semester to obtain her MS in Nutrition. She has become a nutrition expert and an advocate for food security and access to safe AND nutritious foods. She is in the process of obtaining her registered dietitian license and has years of experience within the healthcare industry. She would be a valuable player as she understands the science of food and the policies in place that affect adequate nutrition.
Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government
1) Is Competent ... She is a quick learner and not afraid to ask questions. She has implemented policies and has taken initiative in current role as a Dietetic Technician.
2) Is Honest... Tyler has always displayed honesty, if human error has occurred she is the first person to admit her mistake and learn from it.
3) Is Respectful ... Working with the elderly population is sometimes not easy. Tyler respects each resident and treats them as if it were her own family in that position.
4) Has Integrity ...She takes pride in everything that she does whether it is at work or in school. She will always put on her best face and submit only her greatest work.
5) Has Courage ... Tyler is willing to take a stand even if that means receiving pushback.
6) Has a Proven Record... She has a longstanding record of being trustworthy and reliable from employers, professors, preceptors, and even those who know her within the community.