Vinay Prasad MD

Nominee's Key Links: 


Resume or CV: 

Writing or Publications: 





Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Health and Human Services

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent ...his credentials speak for themselves.
    2) Is Honest...not afraid to speak against a prevailing narrative
    3) Is Respectful ... mindful of everybody's POV in his presentation
    4) Has Integrity ...manifested in his presentations
    5) Has Courage ...not afraid to speak against a prevailing narrative.
    6) Has a Proven Record... Professor at UCSF speaks for itself. An expert in data analysis, public health.

  • I will second this nomination with my own, more detailed one, to provide an in-depth justification arguing for Dr. Vinay Prasad in a leadership role within any major government healthcare regulatory department such as the DHHS, CDC, FDA, etc., or as an advisor working within the Trump administration or RFK jr.'s team.

    Nominee’s Key Links:

    Bio: About page on website

    Resume or CV: University Profile

    Writing or Publications:

    Books: Ending Medical Reversal and Malignant

    Scientific Publications

    Personal Website

    Website: Personal and Scientific Lab

    Video: Youtube Channel

    Socials: Instagram Twitter

    Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

    • Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control, and/or Food and Drug Administration

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

    I believe that Prasad is a great candidate for an advisory role directly to Trump, RFK Jr. or appointed to a leadership position within DHHS, CDC, FDA, etc.; I am no expert on specific roles or positions he could have.

    But he is a practising oncologist whose CV includes a wealth of scientific publications that critique and examine regulatory and scientific failures within the field of medicine. Having him serve either as an advisor to the administration or in a leadership position within the regulatory bodies would be ideal. He could even be e.g. an FDA commissioner or chairperson deciding on drug approvals.

    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    Dr. Prasad recently made a video commenting on Robert F. Kennedy’s nomination to DHHS, which summarizes his broad agreement with RFK Jr.'s mission and goals:

    Prasad has a rich selection of scientific publications and youtube videos as a practising hematologist and oncologist, with many of them focusing on regulatory and scientific failures within the healthcare industry (specifically in the field of cancer medicine, his specialty).

    He regularly documents and critiques how new pharma products are rammed through approval with low quality evidence and poorly-conducted clinical trials, going into exhaustive detail on the tricks that big pharma uses during their clinical trials to make it appear as if their products are more effective than they actually are. As an example:

    Any administration that seeks to raise the quality of research and standard of evidence in medicine would benefit from Prasad’s expertise.

    Working within a major healthcare regulator, he will hold bad actors to the fire, raise the standards, educate and train the bureaucracy, improve practices, push for reform, and provide a check against unchecked corruption and special interests.

    In an advisory capacity within the Trump Administration, he will challenge groupthink, play devil’s advocate, provide in-depth expertise into systemic problems within healthcare regulators and the field of medicine, and propose genuine, practical solutions to them.

    Nominator’s thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1. Is Competent

    He has over five hundred publications. His videos on specific clinical trials demonstrate his in-depth expertise and his ability to distill complex topics for a general audience:

    1. Is Honest… 4) Has Integrity and 5) Has Courage

    As an example: He has openly criticized boosters, mask mandates, and lockdowns, and supported the Great Barington Declaration. A cursory examination of his twitter page while logged out will show his top posts are full of critiques of policy and regulation. Most of his publications involve demanding higher standards and shaming big players in the healthcare industry for substandard, shoddy, and unethical trials. He’s not afraid to speak his mind even where doing so gets him censored or put in the crosshairs.

    That being said, he won’t be a partisan or a yes man even in a Trump Administration. He thinks the covid vaccine itself (not the boosters) was scientifically helpful (a claim that I imagine RFKjr and many trump supporters would contest). He is not afraid to celebrate success stories in medicine. He will defend the treatments and practices he thinks are scientifically justifiable and criticize the ones that aren’t; his opinions don’t neatly divide along political grounds and he will defend his position from either side. He will challenge groupthink and bad ideas from any side of the political spectrum.

    1. Is Respectful …

    Aside from when he’s critiquing regulators and pharmaceutical companies for shoddy and unethical activities, he’s soft-spoken and not a polemicist at all. He is charismatic and well-liked by his peers.

    1. Has a Proven Record…

    He is a professor at UCSF. His entire scientific career is based on analyzing and criticizing bad trial design and ineffective treatments, cautioning about disturbing trends, testing conventional wisdom with scientific trials, and critiquing the regulatory environment for their failures in allowing such shoddy practices to flourish. Giving him some kind of leadership role within a regulatory body is likely to promote the very change that Trump and RFK Jr. are looking to create.

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    The main reason those with inquisitive minds stayed sane these past years were Vinay’s posts, substacks and his tireless pounding on truth and robust scientific data. That he merits the post with biggest impact on the cost of healthcare in the US - FDA - is for certain.

    Dr. Prasad is highly qualified, and reasonable. I think he would be a great choice!