Vision for Health

I hope it’s not too late-- Improving birth should be the pinnacle of health & wellness.
Physical and emotional health & well-being has its roots in the prenatal period and birth.

  1. Jenny Joseph, midwif, has CLOSED THE GAP regarding prematurity in black women. This is HUGE. She has also increased breastfeeding within the first 3 months. Most of her moms give birth in mainstream hospitals - and she found a way that is FREE and can be seamlessly integrated into busy clinics for moms!

2) This health clinic in Turkey has created a birthing center that highlights wholeness and health with doctors, midwives, and psychologists ( for past trauma) doulas-- they have achieved rare to no postpartum depression, no problems in attachment, family bonding etc.

  1. Prenatal Bonding -Very simply can reduce Post Partum Depression
    with fewer complications & obstetrical interventions goes down significantly.
  • Caesarean sections are decreased substantially by Prenatal Bonding (BA), natural vaginal birth is usual. Thus, birth is safer and less costly.
  • Pregnancies facilitated by Raffai’s method preterm birth rates were less than 0,2 percent - as compared to an average of 9,2% in Germany and 12% in the US. The general experience tells us that the majority of babies after Prenatal Bonding (BA) are born within one week around the due date, without any medical intervention.

Postpartum depression is expected to become a thing of the past, as in the sample of over 10.000 by Raffai and his colleagues facilitated pregnancies worldwide less than 1% postpartum depression was reported. On average about 19% of mothers worldwide experience postpartum depression for several months after birth (Schroth 2015)

I have a product known as Artemic that we had proposed to the federal government under the RRPV and we had made it to the purchasing round but were canceled due to Pharma hiring the head of the RRPV and not allowing him to buy from us, but instead purchase PLAXOVID which causes more problems. We were a healthy supplement that reduced symptoms and sped up recovery from COVID. We had the studies and proved to be better because there was no secondary illnesses. Jerry Jackson 956-821-2177

I understand that nominations are currently paused. There have been several Doctors who have been instrumental in keeping my family healthy and providing fabulous advice to keep us healthy. Many are not on this list but certainly should be considered: Dr William Li his book “Eat to Beat Disease” A valuable resource. / During Covid, Dr Roger Schultz MedCram on Youtube research from Spanish Flu, Vit D, and the Sun with respiratory issues, to name a few, / Dr Sean O’Mara Visceral Body Fat; Dr Pradip Jamnadas, Heart Health. / Rhonda Patrick found My Fitness PHD biomedical science. / Dr William Davis, Gut Microbiome L-reuterri. We also need soil experts the microbiome of the soil reflects the human microbiome health. Dr Elaine’s Soil Food web. / Garden Like a Viking Youtube. Thank you for your time

Are we going to use modalities that work for Cancer? Like metabolic therapies like Warburg and Dr Seyfried has furthered. Using things like fenbendazole and ivermectin to rid the body of Cancer causing viruses. Using B17, soursop, high dose vit c, High dose vit d3, Frankincense oil, Turkey Tail mushrooms, and water fasting to name a few. Drs know about this but turn their heads because this Corrupt Medical mafia Threatens to get rid of them if they entertain the ideas that work as people die for profit. we should all be up in arms for the crimes against humanity that are taking place right in front of our eyes. RFK i have faith in you. Please save Humanity from these monsters.

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Hi ShortStack,

Do you know there are more than 300 natural cancer cures in the world?
Do you know over 2 decades ago, I self-cured my cancer by my own simple natural remedy less than 4 weeks?
God has opened doors for humanity to enter a new golden public healthcare era called: the public self-healthcare systems.
The best is yet to come.
God bless humanity and you. :pray: :heart:

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I appreciate your response. Can you share with me how you did that?

Thanks for your request. However, God assigned me to serve >8 billions people on the planet. In cancers field only, everyday, there are >27,000 people died of cancers ( and the number increases every year). Do you think that I have time to reply to everyone?
I focus only on solutions to solve the systemic global problems. It called: THE PUBLIC SELF-HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS.
God bless humanity and you. :pray: :heart:

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I understand. So are you playing a part in this new administration? If so how long before we see these modalities used? I do believe the best is yet to come.

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I would like to be considered to be on a team under the Department of Health & Human Services in President Donald Trump’s administration & Robert F. Kennedy’s Make America Healthy Again initiative.

Agencies like the FDA, CDC, & NIH need policymakers & program creators who understand health from all angles—front-line experience, real-world recovery stories, root causes, & true informed consent advocacy.

Why me? Here’s my journey:

:books: Education in Pharmacology, Pharmaceuticals, etc. PLUS Nutrition & Research: During pharmacy school, I actually did learn about nutrition (including supplements) & research in our regular education to earn a clinical doctor of pharmacy degree. I also completed elective rotations specializing in nutrition & research. This gave me an advanced understanding of how dietary strategies, evidence-based approaches, & lifestyle changes can impact health outcomes.

:pill: Pharmacy Expertise: Nearly 20 years in pharmacy, progressing from technician to licensed pharmacist & Pharmacist-in-Charge. I was often the first point of contact for patients, providing over-the-counter recommendations, interpreting practitioners’ instructions, and counseling patients on medication use. I also offered nutritional and supplement guidance for preventative measures, alternative therapies, and to support overall health. Despite working long shifts with minimal support, I upheld a strong commitment to patient safety and education.

:stethoscope: Injury and Recovery Advocate: After my son was vaccine-injured at ~2 years old, I embarked on a 2 decades-long journey to recover him. I also resolved my own completely different chronic health issues & have helped others recover through evidence-based strategies focused on nutrition, supplements, & lifestyle changes.

:seedling: Natural Grocery Experience: As part of a marketing & operations team at a natural/organic grocery store, I worked to create educational health resources, develop engaging visuals, & helped organize & run community events. I managed product education & provided nutritional guidance, which fueled my passion for accessible, whole-person health strategies. This role was instrumental in inspiring me to form my own company.

:paintbrush: Creative Health Messaging: Founded a publishing company to self-publish my story & create educational materials, including a coloring book on the regimen that helped recover my son. Provide photography & design services for healthcare organizations & faith-based groups.

:open_book: Research and Advocacy: Over 40 years total. I’ve accumulated a library of books by healthcare professionals & medical journal articles that back up the methods I used to help my son & others. Friends, family, & followers seek my guidance or education for wellness strategies.

:star2: Vision for the Role: I bring a unique perspective:
•Front-line healthcare experience as a former community pharmacist.
•Educational background in nutrition & research to drive evidence-based solutions.
•First-hand understanding of injury & recovery as a patient, mother, and advocate.
•Creative skills to design and communicate health initiatives that resonate with communities.
•Hands-on experience in natural/organic health education.

I don’t aim to be high-level. I want to work on the ground, in supporting roles, helping shape policies, creating accessible programs & resources, and ensuring transparency and accountability in agencies that impact our health.

This is personal. I’ve lived it. It’s time to bring real-world experience to the table.

I didn’t feel right nominating myself on the official nominee website. My promised nominators work in industries which are extremely busy during the Thanksgiving / Christmas season (especially the day after Thanksgiving) and thought we read that they had until later this week (1st week of December) to nominate me. However, nomination submission seem to be paused or closed.

Thank you for your consideration!
Denise Alane, PharmD (“retired” -left career due to son’s vax injury)

America's Health Food and Agriculture department-of-health-and-human-services

Root Causes of Health Issues

Inflammation is not a cause.
Insulin resistance is not a cause.
Gut dysbiosis is not a cause.
Metabolic disfunction is not a cause.
High blood pressure is not a cause.
High cholesterol is not a cause.
Hormone imbalance is not a cause.
Being overweight/obese is not a cause.
Fever is not a cause.
Even gene mutation is not a cause.

These are not going to happen spontaneously.

These and many more are symptoms = the body’s reaction to or the result of the actual cause.
Symptoms are not causes. Symptoms help diagnose, but do not = cause.

A collection of certain symptoms are given the label of a certain disease or disorder, but that collection of symptoms is not the root cause(s) of the disease or disorder.

The body’s reaction, known as “symptoms” in healthcare, can result in other symptoms.
That is called a cascade of symptoms.

If we are going to find the root cause(s) and actually help people, we need to stop calling symptoms “causes” so healthcare professionals will continue to look deeper and quit separating the body into different organs and systems.

Yes, not enough sunshine is a cause.
Yes, not enough fresh (uncontaminated) air is a cause.
Yes, not drinking enough (uncontaminated) water is a cause.
Yes, a poor/contaminated diet is a cause.
Yes, not moving enough is a cause. (“exercise” - so your body’s protective & detox pathways can “circulate” to help remove foreign invaders/contaminants or left over material from what you ate that your body can’t use to strengthen and rebuild your body)

But these cannot necessarily be measured on medical diagnostic tests.
These are activities which have to be logged by the patient.

Most medical diagnostic tests are not measuring causes.
Most medical diagnostic tests are measuring the body’s reaction to causes or the damage from the causes, but not the actual causes themselves.

Vitamin & mineral deficiencies can somewhat be considered causes that practitioners routinely measure, but in truth, poor diet or substances that disrupt the microbiome can impair absorption of nutrients, so these deficiencies still may not be the actual cause.

Let’s test for and measure causes.

The following are causes which be can measured, in my experience/curation of information, but are not routinely, if ever, measured:
Heavy metals (not the blood test)

Is there a way to test for the accumulation of artificial food dyes, artificial preservatives, other man-made substances, other natural toxins in the body? These are causes of health issues.

For example, the chemical that was sprayed on the fresh fruit you ate caused your body’s protect/contain/purge system to do its job which showed up as “inflammation”…that resulted in high blood pressure.

…or maybe it showed up as “weight gain” because the body encapsulated the chemical spray in your fat cells and you keep gaining weight because you keep eating chemically contaminated food. Pesticides, herbicides, etc. have been found in human adipose tissue…aka fat cells.

If you went to the doctor and s/he ran tests and said, “You are suffering from an overdose of Red Food Dye No.40” instead of “You have markers of inflammation” do you think the treatment plan would be the same? Do you think the patient would be more receptive to that treatment plan?

The point is, when we call things by their correct names, scientists can create better diagnostic tests, practitioners can formulate better treatment plans, policy makers can set better policies, and patients can better self-regulate.

Denise Alane, PharmD (“retired”) / wellness curator & advocate

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A Policy Agenda for the Trump Administration
November 6, 2024

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Now that the election is over, the real campaign begins. We start by looking at policy changes to recommend to a new Administration.

We invite Solari subscribers to post your ideas and comments below. This is a work in progress; we will keep updating it as the discussion continues through the transition.

Administration Integrity and Transparency:

  • Staff top 1,000 jobs with people with a record of actively supporting the U.S. Constitution and not working for companies or having significant investments in enterprises with a record of lawbreaking and poisoning Americans.
  • Staff federal agencies such that citizens can speak directly to agency staff to address problems.
  • Comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
  • Require strict conflict-of-interest policies and public disclosure of conflicts of interest, including all foreign citizenship/passports.

Federal Budget and Financial Management:

  • Identify where the $21 trillion ($65,000 per person) missing from the U.S. government (as of FY 2015) went and get it back.
  • Publish clean agency financial statements since FY 1996.
  • Publish place-based financial statements on an ongoing basis.
  • Comply with federal financial management laws, including audited financial statements.
  • Make appropriations contingent on compliance with financial management laws.
  • Meaningfully enforce the 1990 Federal Credit Reform Act.
  • Publish all agency contract budgets and scopes of work; make contractors subject to FOIA.
  • End contracting with companies with a demonstrated and meaningful criminal record.
  • Retract the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board’s Standard 56 (FASAB 56).
  • Audit the Fed and the New York Fed (NY Fed) role as depository of the U.S. government; require significantly increased transparency of Fed operations, including NY Fed management of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, and Fed and NY Fed transactions with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank, the IMF, and other international organizations that enjoy sovereign immunity.
  • Audit international slush funds, such as the Climate Change Fund.
  • Reverse executive orders and administrative policies that would encourage all-digital monetary and payment systems; encourage the continued use of cash and checks.

Financial Freedom and Privacy Protections:

  • Stop policies pertaining to any type of digital ID, including the REAL ID and related agency requirements for the REAL ID, as well as biometric surveillance.
  • Do not make federal benefits dependent on REAL or other IDs; permit paper filing of taxes.
  • Maintain physical offices, documents, and staff to support citizen needs in person.
  • Disclose, review, and revise sovereign immunity protections and liability relief offered to corporations and international organizations.

Constitutional Protections:

  • Stop all pressure for private media and social media to weaken First Amendment protections.
  • Stop federal “bully pulpit” attacks on the Second Amendment.
  • Significantly reduce emergency powers and PATRIOT Act and National Security Agency (NSA) overreach.


  • Close the border—legal immigration only. Do not require biometric surveillance or digital IDs of U.S. citizens.

Participation in International Organizations and Treaties:

  • Leave and stop funding the World Health Organization (WHO), and stop funding other international organizations with similar objectives (e.g., Gavi).
  • Leave and stop funding the Paris Agreement.
  • Leave multiple UN programs, including One Health.

Genocide and War:

  • End the Gaza genocide.
  • End the Ukraine war.

Food and Health:

  • Halt “revolving door” appointments to key leadership positions at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and others.
  • Require strict regulation and labeling, including warning labels on “pharma food” (e.g., cultured or lab-grown “meat”).
  • Provide strong administration support for repeal of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (the “1986 Act”).
  • Stop regulations (coming in November 2024) for electronic tagging of cattle and bison.

Things for the Trump Administration to Ask Congress to Do:

  • Repeal the FinCEN filing requirement for businesses immediately.
    Starting January 1, 2025, all businesses, including small businesses, must file beneficial ownership information with the federal Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Most business owners are not aware of this. Noncompliance is a felony, according to the FinCEN website, and each day of noncompliance constitutes a separate violation. Thus, business owners face both civil penalties of up to $5,000 per day and up to five years in prison, simply for doing business in the United States. This will quickly force many small businesses into bankruptcy and have a chilling effect on anyone considering starting their own business. New businesses are required to file this information since January 1, 2024. Both filing requirements and the penalties for not filing should immediately be repealed retroactively in order not to stifle entrepreneurship in America.
  • Make research and development (R&D) costs once again tax-deductible in the year they occur.
    Since 2022, R&D costs, including labor, are no longer tax-deductible in the year they occur. Instead, they now have to be amortized over a five-year period (15 years for foreign research). This makes R&D unaffordable for many startups and incentivizes innovative businesses to move abroad. To maintain America’s competitiveness, this should be repealed immediately.
  • Repeal the National Firearms Act (NFA) and the Gun Control Act (GCA).
    Both laws are irreconcilable with the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act (18 U.S.C. § 922(q)).
    The GFSZA is unconstitutional. It is in direct violation of both the Second and Tenth Amendments. In practical application, it also deprives people who live within 1,000 feet of a school, as well as their guests, of their Second Amendment rights, and it makes schools a prime target for mass shooters. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down the original GFSZA as unconstitutional. Congress then passed it again, this time limiting it to firearms which affect, or at some point have been in, interstate commerce, in an attempt to pretend that the new act fits into the enumerated powers of Congress.
  • Allow carrying in federal buildings, including post offices.
    Nearly all (97.8%) of mass shootings occur in so-called gun-free zones.
  • Remove restrictions on possession and carry of firearms (including rifles, magazines of any size, etc.) and pepper spray, mace, or stun guns in the District of Columbia.
    Crime is out of control in D.C., and law-abiding citizens are helpless.
  • Pass federal reciprocity.
    Art IV § 1 of the Constitution for the United States explicitly states: “Full faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.” Hence, recognizing by means of a federal law that the carry permit from one state has to be acknowledged by every other state is explicitly permitted and even expected by the U.S. Constitution. Because many states violate Art IV § 1 with regard to carry permits from other states, though, passing a federal law explicitly requiring states to acknowledge other states’ permits is warranted.
  • End double-taxation of American citizens abroad.
    The U.S. and Eritrea are the only two countries on the planet in which taxation is based on citizenship rather than residence and source of income. The filing requirements are a bureaucratic nightmare.

Related Solari Links:

The Missing Money

The Missing Money Legal Series – U.S. Monetary and Fiscal Operations

The Solari Papers #1: Reversing the Financial Coup d’Etat

What the States Can Do: Building the Legal and Financial Infrastructure for Financial Freedom

Other Related Links:

Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back – Symposium 2024

Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump (Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom)

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President trump nearly 80 years old and in sub optimal to possibly bordering chronic health concerns wants to do something about healthcare and its accompanying systems now does he. Think he had some clear headedness in his later years. Who talked him into that. I don’t know all that Donald trump says but I don’t think he says to much about healthcare. Nor cares to do much for different plans and systems for regards to healthcare of humans.

Banning pharmaceutical advertising
What’s that on about. I thought he cared for big corporations and economic inequality at such a high displacency. I thought he cared far more for the billionaires and 100 millionaires of corporations like this wether they have a negative affect
in comparison to other health organizations/corporations and how they proceed in making the lives of the organisms around use healthier and stronger in a vast amount of ways.

Man who slurps down fast food on a possibly every other day basis is quite conserved with healthcare well whoever wrote this I hope truly does have health at its highest possible level planned and always in mind

Thank you for voting for my resolution and ‘right to try’ health and healing protocols and modalities for all! ‘Right to Try’ health and healing protocols and modalities for all! Please click here to vote!! Thanks!

think that was part of the Obamacare package.

Please combine “Dr. Philip Ovadia” and “Philip Ovadia”.

Please place significant focus on including real doctors who have a record of healing people of chronic diseases versus academics or independent researchers who have no clinical experience.

Dr. Jason Fung author of Obesity Code’s work as been a tremendous help to many fighting obesity/metabolic diseases. I lost 65+ Lbs during covid with his recommendations from his Book. He’s a champion for food and fasting and his legacy and patient’s success speak for themselves!