Zoe Weston

Nominee's Key Links: 

Bio: https://zoeweston.com/about/

Resume or CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoeweston/

Writing or Publications: https://zoeweston.com/product-category/ebooks/, https://zoeweston.com/blog/ , https://zoeweston.com/articles/

Website: https://zoeweston.com/

Video: https://zoeweston.com/press-videos/



Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Health and Human Services

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

    Director of Womens Health ( Postpartum Care Division)


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    The United States is one of the only countries in the world that does not have postpartum care in our medical model or culture, Id like to change that. Comprehensive postpartum care has three components - Health, Social, & Financial. I would like to implement the full care model across the United States. I can consult and train to achieve this goal.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent ... I have 26 years of experience creating curriculum and teaching. Ive specialized in Womens Health since 2005. Helping women and families is my passion.
    2) Is Honest... Sagittarians dont lie. The truth isnt always pleasant, but its what you are going to get.
    3) Is Respectful ... Respect is the only law we need, everything else fits under this umbrella. I believe etiquette should be taught in school as a mandatory subject.
    4) Has Integrity ... I walk the talk, words and actions match. Once I create a goal, I do it. The goal may alter, I may regroup, but I keep going.
    5) Has Courage ...Ive put myself out there vocally, Ive posted my message on my website and on social media platforms - sometimes receiving hate mail and hateful responses. Its scary, but its the only way.
    6) Has a Proven Record... I have kind testimonials from my past students and clients.

  • Done. Good luck :crossed_fingers:


    You will be great!


    Thank you so much Karen!!

    1 Like

    Thank you Chris, I really appreciate your support!