Nominee's Key Links:
Resume or CV:
Writing or Publications:
Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:
Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:
Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:
As an ICU registered nurse She believe in medical freedom. We are each our own individual and Noone should make our decisions unless we are deemed medically incompetent. She believes we should be able to trust our government, and we have reached a point we cannot. Poison floods our foods because the government has allowed it to, and as a population we are getting sicker and sicker. There is no reason to Poison eachother or our children. They are our future. She also believes the nutrients have been stripped from our soil and something needs to be done so our foods are not stripped of what our body needs. She is willing to help in anyway she can. As a medical professional, she sees daily the impact they have on patients and the trust patients put into her and the doctors. She tries to voice that they have the RIGHT to refuse anything and voice that they should ALWAYS ask questions and voice concerns.
Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government
1) Is Competent because she has a medical degree as a registered nurse. She is always continuing her education and reading accredited information so she doesn't no spread false information. She is pursuing her NP .
2) Is Honest because she believes honesty and trust is important in building relationships.
3) Is Respectful because she has dealt with people of all races/populations/nationalities
4) Has Integrity because she sticks up for what she believes in.
5) Has Courage because she is not afraid to voice her opinion and question providers when something is unsafe.