Catherine Shanahan MD

Nominee's Key Links: 


Resume or CV:

Writing or Publications:





Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • White House Office

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited: <strong

    Response to the chronic disease crisis, if that position does not yet exist it needs to be created.


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    I can help end the chronic disease epidemic. I am a board-certified family medicine specialist and have practiced for nearly 30 years reversing chronic diseases and getting people off meds. I tell my patients we eat our way into chronic disease and we can eat our way out. My latest book, Dark Calories, exposes vegetable seed oils as the worst ingredient in the food supply and cites hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific references as well as interviews with experts. I am also known as an advocate for child health. Brave and righteous healthcare practitioners around the world are using my first book, Deep Nutrition, to support proper maternal, paternal, and prenatal nutrition and early childhood diet.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent ...I have helped thousands of patients and followers wean off medications and revitalize their health in ways they never imagined possible.
    2) Is Honest...Ive turned down multi-million dollar, multi-year contracts because I would have had to support programs and supplements that I do not believe in.
    3) Is Respectful ...As a doctor, my job is to listen to my patients needs and meet them where they are, no matter my personal beliefs. I educate but do not manipulate.
    4) Has Integrity ... For decades, I have been putting my medical license on the line to go against standards of care that I believe are harmful to human health
    5) Has Courage ...Ive moved across the country multiple times to start new metabolic health programs that truly create health rather than just reversing disease. I call it like I see it.
    6) Has a Proven Record... Most of the people on the panel testifying with RFK and Casey and Calley Means have learned valuable truths about seed oils from my own work, including Dr. Casey Means who, in 2020, told me that my book Deep Nutrition was an inspiration to her. She also read The FATBURN Fix, which introduced my science-backed hypothesis that seed oils powerfully disrupt mitochondrial energy production. That book helped inform the energy concepts in her book. Ive influenced todays keto, metabolic health, and functional medicine leaders and indirectly helped millions of people around the globe.

  • I read Deep Nutrition, and it has some interesting points. It’s great when anyone discusses nutrition. However, in general, I would like to see some real clinicians in “MAHA.” People that have been working in their field, and particularly a few who date back a while and who can remember a time when medicine was less dominated by the insurance companies.
    The medical community is going to be extremely difficult to win over, so I expect it might help if clinicians have representation at the table. There are a lot of people running around with masters in public health right now or MDs who don’t really practice, but it all starts with the patient / doctor relationship. IMO, that’s what you want to work to protect from the policy standpoint.

    As a clinician, I wholeheartedly agree!


    Well, I nominated one clinician on here from an area that I believe will be crucial: diabetes treatment. If you’d like to consider him, or spread the word, here’s the nomination: Dean Schillinger

    Wonderful, I will take a look at Dean’s nomination. DM2, and other chronic diseases are frustrating from a policy point of view because if our policy is focused first on treatment and not on prevention we’ve already lost the fight. I nominated myself, (Ryan Sheridan), because I am interested in working on policy in the mental health space. Cheers!

    1 Like

    Great! Thanks, I’ll take a look as well.

    nobody cares if someone is a “clinician” or not. they care if your ideas are correct and can produce good results. shanahan is right about nutrition directly affecting medical outcomes. she’d do a good job and “clinicians” could learn a lot from her. if they are “difficult to win over” in the face of superior results and evidence then they are the problem.