Dr John Campbell

Nominee's Key Links: 

Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-john-campbell-5256223b/

Resume or CV: 

Writing or Publications: 


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gllSIHpZMaw&t=394s

Socials: https://www.youtube.com/@Campbellteaching


Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Health and Human Services

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

    Nutrition Healthcare CDC FDA


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    1) Collecting some basic metabolic health data so we can have something to compare to and track our progress as a nation. We want to get past this metabolic health disaster we now face in the United States.
    2) Crack down on ultra processed foods. We want foods that grows on farms and looks like food.
    3) Take out the vested interest and removing corruption form the agricultural business.
    4) Collecting raw data to make farming evidence based. Which interventions are efficacious which interventions are deleterious?
    5) We need data with agriculture to be transparent. Regulatory agencies need to be reformed. We need the data from the FDA. We need the data from the CDC. What is the information on vaccination schedule and drugs that are given on a long-term basis? Have natural health approaches and dietary changes education been fully explored? He believes on providing the public evidence based solutions.
    6) We need measures in place to remove the vested interest of public servants. Public servants should be 100% dedicated. Remove the revolving door! Get rid of the conflict of interest.
    7) Limit big food. Promote animal welfare. We can get rid of the massive, ecologically disastrous monocropping.
    8) Get the chemicals out of the food. Get rid of the pesticides. Get rid of the herbicides. (As much as reasonably possible) Contamination in American food is appalling.
    9) Streamline American Healthcare so it can be available to all but more importantly affordable.
    10) Opiate crisis. We need to treat people who have this illness. He believes opium addiction is an illness. These people need help. They do no need the Criminal Justice System thrown at them.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent ...clearly knows how to follow medical study and break it down into easier to understand pieces
    2) Is Honest...he could have lied and supported the narrative. He has always been extremely transparent.
    3) Is Respectful ... I dont know how to so say it other than he seems old school British and proper. So he doesnt waste his breath talking down about people.
    4) Has Integrity ... he comes out and can admit if he got something wrong.
    5) Has Courage ... his channel suffered censorship despite that he has been very cool-headed when covering a study and always focusing on the science and never the politics.
    6) Has a Proven Record... I do not know his record other than YouTube.
    I liked what he said in a recent video. The essence of science is striving to understand the nature of reality, not the version of reality given to us by various vested interests.

  • Yes. Dr Campbell has been a leader in uncovering the truth. 100% Amen brother.


    Rational, thoughtful, inspiring, brave, and follows the actual evidence; Dr J is a treasure.


    John Campbell is wonderful, but he is not American

    Yes to Dr. Campbell in any role. I have watched his YouTube channel since the beginning of the Covid pandemic. He broke down the data available every day and when a study was available, he broke that down as well. I learned how important vitamin D was and that gargling and sunshine can also help your immune system and reduce you viral load. None of the common sense stuff was promoted by governments and he often asks why isn’t that the case. Same when the vaccine was available, all available data was explored. Then when questions on the vaccine were raised, he continued to review available data and ask questions. Got “fact checked” by the BBC and a warning from YouTube. Had to be careful, but his motto is “follow the evidence, wherever it leads”. A true man of science and medicine. I think he could help with public outreach to help everyone understand all the evidence, not some of the evidence. He has questions that can’t be answered without the data. Make the data available and I’m confident he can help us understand it and help Kennedy’s team make informed decisions and common sense recommendations.


    I don’t think citizenship disqualifies him. He will just need proper permits if he is offered a job in an agency. There may also be a support role in public outreach that would allow him to stay home and continue his current work in education. As an experienced YouTuber, it might be useful for him to do a weekly or monthly segment to share whats going on with MAHA. We need his voice because we all know we cannot depend on the activist media to tell the truth.

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    Dr John Campbell has been tireless in getting his easy to understand videos out almost every single day. It was suggested that I watch him during 2020 to give me evidence to get out of my “conspiracy theory” thinking. I started to watch and it was uncomfortable at first, everything was factual but I kept finding myself shouting at him - but what about - and yes BUT - why should that be so - etc etc. It was a beautiful experience to watch him start to wake up and start to question. It was a gradual process, no one thing but it was addictive viewing to tune in to see what was the next snippet to wake him up further. Well done John it was wonderful to see and I know I can advise friends & family to watch you in the hope they start to see the light too.