Dr. Steven Greer

Nominee's Key Links: 

Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drstevengreer/

Resume or CV: 

Writing or Publications: https://drstevengreer.com/document-library/

Website: https://drstevengreer.com

Video: https://www.youtube.com/@drstevengreer-disclosure



Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    As far as I can tell, Dr. Greer is the foremost expert in the world on the subject of ET contact and disclosure, which is a huge umbrella encompassing the subjects of deep state corruption, advanced interstellar technologies, free energy devices and the evolution of human consciousness. The only reason I can think of that he isnt more front and center on the global stage is that he is so ahead of his time that most people have a hard time believing what he says.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    I am not sure exactly what role Dr. Greer would be best for, but I know he has already briefed many members of congress on his world changing work (his consultation is what led to the questioning of David Grusch in the congressional hearings on crashed UAP craft, recovered ET bodies, locations of secret military bases where all these things are being kept hidden etc. last year). Whatever the capacity, I believe it would be a huge travesty to not include Dr. Greer at the table in the discussion around how to dismantle the corruption in our military agencies and restore the technologies that rightfully belong to humanity to their rightful place as open source commons. This would also settle Bobby and Trumps one major disagreement around oil and clean energy ;)

  • Honestly not sure about this one, good and bad potentially, I’ve seen his interviews. I do think he should be included in discussions however I think being brought in as a general advisor as opposed to a permanent position would be better.

    Greer is a gatekeeper and has helped to keep the real secrets under lock and key. All of his disclosure information has been limited to the 1940-50s. He has been talking about his free energy lab for 20 years and it hasn’t produced anything. He has made millions off of his films, retreats, and other endeavors. The government has gone to great lengths to embed themselves into the UFO community for over 70 years and some of their biggest leaders were either government operatives or paid assets pushing disinformation. It would be great if he were completely legit, but it would be a serious blow to the community if it turned out otherwise. Better safe than sorry.

    Greer is better off working outside of government to achieve his objectives and should focus his efforts on pressuring Congress to pass real whistleblower protections and establishing an independent department outside of the military chain of command. He has been sitting on evidence and witness testimony for decades because its the only thing keeping everyone alive.


    Not entirely opposed but definitely not energy. Maybe HHS or AARO.


    Interesting, it is hard to believe your view without further research. Greer seems honest in his disclosure quest. How do we discern who is controlled or not

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    Check out his disclosures on energy. They’re highlighted in his film “The Lost Century”. He knows quite a bit about it and has contacts that could significantly contribute to new energy sources. I don’t understand why HHS would be any kind of a fit for him. He gave up his medical career because disclosure was more important to him.

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    I don’t know for sure which is why I said it’s better to have him continue his work from outside government rather than finding out that he is a gatekeeper after he’s inside.

    What we do know is that there are plants in the community and paid assets. These were trusted individuals and even Greer has interviewed some of them such as Richard Doherty.

    He’s spoken about meeting with Laurence Rockefeller and Clinton at his ranch to discuss disclosure, but they are part of the same group that have kept it under wraps.

    I hope he is legit, but I’d rather not find out he isn’t the hard way.

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    It isn’t considered disclosure unless you are bringing forward there actual technology to the public.

    You may have noticed that all of his films cover the same material. It’s just presented in different way each time. You can find his 3hr lectures online which covers everything found in the films.

    Everything he has spoken about has been covered decades earlier by others within the UFO community like William Cooper.

    If you want your mind blown then check him out. He provided info all the way up to today.

    He even warned us about 9/11 before it happened

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    Just saw this post on X.

    Not sure why someone that’s trying to get disclosure out would put all of their evidence behind a paywall.

    Post on X

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    Thanks for the info. I’ll check it out. And you have a great point about how maybe his work should continue outside the government. I would love to see someone in this administration listen to him and vet his information. Whether or not he is involved in leadership, my biggest hope is that someone takes him seriously and checks into what he’s saying.

    I agree with this. There needs to be a separate category for UFO disclosure.

    Anna Paulina Luna is driving disclosure in Congress.

    She is hosting the fake whistleblowers, but I have a feeling that real ones will eventually surface to blow the fake ones out of the water.

    Congress needs to pass comprehensive protections for whistleblowers. Current laws don’t provide adequate protection; especially for those that believe they are violating an NDA, sworn oath, or are being threatened with imprisonment or death under the guise of national security.

    I feel Greer is better choice than most others for this position. Hes moving in the right direction I feel but I am reserved a bit in a full confidence. But his drive for truth has always been to my liking.

    Dr. Stephen Greer in the administration would indeed be a true turning of the page for the future of civilization.

    I don’t know if he’s the best nomination for heading up disclosure, but the fact that people are considering who should help facilitate this is really great.

    Anna Paulina Luna is heading up disclosure.

    From the looks of it she is baiting the deep state gatekeepers to testify.

    They want to spin a narrative that they don’t know what the UFOs are and that they are a threat to national security to fund the war machine and set the stage for a false flag attack.

    I believe that real whistleblowers will eventually appear to blow the lid off of everything and essentially destroy the DS narrative.

    Awesome, thank you for the information!