The fact that anybody with an Email Address can make an account and put actual input into things that can, and will change our country is a monumental oversight from whoever designed the this website.
Here’s my ideas to fix this issue.
First thing, compile a team from the FBI Cyber Division to take a look at the website, and point out the flaws.
Second, apply an ID Verification system that makes a Valid and up-to-date ID to create an account, and that automatically deactivates accounts with invalid ID’s. Anyone on the planet can create a bot to automatically create accounts and vote, and all it takes is decent coding knowledge and roughly 10 - 20 hours of time. You may be thinking “Oh not everyone knows how to do that”. The issue is that anyone with a smartphone and unrestricted internet access can learn to do it with Youtube. If someone really wanted to harm the U.S. right now, this website is one of the biggest vulnerabilities we have ever had.
If I had to give an estimate as to how long it would take for one person with a little too much free time to functionally disable the website, I would say a month or two.
This website should not have gone online outside of private servers on a secluded network, in a secure government facility.
The idea for this website is absolutely fantastic, and is a step in the right direction.
The execution for this website has been done extremely poorly, and could be catastrophic.
I would like to add, this website was built on a public forum host, that non-government officials have complete access to.
I think these are just our nominees, all final disclosure goes to the big T. Even if who he gets picked gets blown out of the water, it just shows what the majority wants. But its obviously imperfect, I saw Greta Thunberg winnging the race for something…
My biggest issue is that on a website where ANYBODY can vote, there’s no measure in place to verify that person is even a U.S. resident; an issue that can lead to massive data leaks ranging from IP Addresses, Emails, Passwords, Etc.
I appreciate you pointing out some probable issues with this platform.
Inthought myself that if the rules of being selected were based solely on the “popular opinion” of the users of the platform,. that if i tried hard enough, i could drum up enough organic support to be in the finnial running. And thats without cheating and on paper likely being severely underqualified.
I did just a little digging and found out that even with the results of this platform, nominee’s will still go through a vetting process. So,. even if a nominee were to cheat its not like he or she will get through into a seat of authority.
It would be cool though if like younare suggeeting there was a KYC. Which, technically could likely be added in a very short amount of time.
I have been communicating with someone on the backend of this site, concerning my nominee profile, and from what i gsther there is a bit of a rework/adjustments happening now.
At a minimum anonymity shouldn’t be permitted. Should have to use your real name as suggested, verified. Though I suspect that could possibly be so those that may be employed now can comment with relative anonymity. But would think they’ve still got the ability to determine identity behind the scenes regardless.