Judy Mikovits

Nominee's Key Links: 

Bio: https://therealdrjudy.com/about-dr-judy

Resume or CV: 

Writing or Publications: https://therealdrjudy.substack.com/

Website: https://therealdrjudy.com/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVDX6yDqDXc

Socials: https://rumble.com/c/TheRealDrJudy


Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Health and Human Services

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    Pandemic response , biodefense


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent ...She is an expert in her field with decades of training and experience, including extensive publications; she has provided content to educate the public about past and current risks to their health
    2) Is Honest...She is honest about the known and unknown risks and continues to educate herself so that she can remain an accurate source of information
    3) Is Respectful ..Yes, she is respectful and kind
    4) Has Integrity ...Yes, she has high professional and personal integrity
    5) Has Courage ...Yes, she is very brave to expose corruption in our government and has published books to ensure that the truth is not buried
    6) Has a Proven Record...Yes, she has maintained a consistent presence as a truth-teller and source of verifiable information over many decades

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    Definitely seek advice from Dr Judy another honest and brilliant scientist!


    In addition to all of the above reasons to bring Dr. Mikovits on board, she also knows a lot of the players in the field, so she can help make staffing recommendations. Dr. Mikovits is a brilliant scientist, an excellent judge of character, and as honest and forthright as the day is long.


    We need Dr. Judy Mikovits !!!


    She’s been honest in a very dishonest profession. We need her to help keep her specialty areas and those aligning with them in check


    She has been a fearless leader in the truth telling effort!!! LET’S GO JUDY!!!


    Dr. Judy has my vote as well. She has been in the forefront of exposing the fraudulent medical system and government shenanigans. As a Gov whistleblower, Dr. Judy is an author of numerous books setting the story straight on the pandemic, the fake vaccines, and the fraudulant Medical establishment, FDA, World Health Organisation(WHO), and other organizations and people that are embedded in corruption.


    She wrote book about Vaccine side effects, health corruption! ! She really knows how to fix the corruption in the health system!


    Yes! Judy Mikovits is a truth teller. We need her!


    She tells it like it is


    Agree! Judy has spent years learning what has been done to our citizens through various corrupt operations and has been punished severely for exposing it. We need her in the administration. Her knowledge is much needed. This is a scientist we can trust!

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    @judyMikovits is the best! A staunch ally for our GMO-Free movement in addition to all the other important causes she is contributing to! I say yes! #maha!

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    Judy Mikovits can clean up the NIH She is best person for the job!!!


    she has been warning people about fauci since before COVID; she would be a great asset in any position.

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    Judy Mikovits has been on the leading edge of viral research and scientific fraud identification for decades. Her experience and insight would be invaluable, in my opinion.

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    She was the first voice of wisdom about the covid vaccine.she was able to predict what could happen and what she said is still happening. We definitely need someone with insight like her and willing to risk her career for humanity. Wikipedia wrote junk about her. I could not believe how she was described there the last time I saw her in Wikipedia. Shane on wikipedia. Shame on the news and search engines. She truly had to confront so much just to do what was right. Thank you for caring about humanity.

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    Bless your heart Dr Judy you’ve long proven your dedication to the truth and to the people and you have paid dearly. Now is your time to shine your light . You will be a valuable asset to the team. Thank you for your service