No tags for ssdi, snap or ebt....WHY these are soooo important

I tried to search for tag ssdi. Nothing
Tried to search for tag snap. Nothing
Tried to search for tag ebt. Nothing

Obviously few RSDI SSDI people on snap
are participating. But their survival depends upon people with experience – like have lived on it or are fully disabled are at least voting.

We need sole head household (no family) fully disabled to automatically be awarded full snap ($300/mo) and this topic to be listed and discussed.

Since 50% of married men dump disabled wives, exspousal ought to be raised from 50% to 100% , or the fully disabled woman given that option.

I cant help rfk jr with any even small donations because these things were removed or aren’t in place, and the poverty is squeezing hard. Cola of 2.5% when electric went from 120 to 200/mo (do not run dishwasher or use dryer; and i am not only retired person doing this) and insurance if you have a house has gone up . Cola of 2.5%,??? We are not supposed to have an old car, and old dog, an old house. If fully disabled we are supposed to be forgotten.

No tags for ssdi, snap, ebt. Teachers and veterans and other hard hard workers end up on this. This database should reflect that we care.

The people listed in this database have not added the tags (above) and that really concerns me.

Discourse is not the best software for these discussions. It is a good attempt but surely a good coder could write a better user interface in a week of hard work. Discourse was used by small patron businesses.

And WHY won’t this let me post it under site feedback and demands i create a nominee??? Argh!!!


I agree that this database should reflect that we care about teachers, veterans and our disabled people. Our country has an overwhelming amount of people using and over-using these systems. When we fix our food supply, get our people more healthy and back on their feet, they will rely on these extra benefits less and have more wealth. Please let me know what ideas you may have and check out my nomination on this platform. I was nominated and voted for by some people who think that I would be a helpful team member for MAHA. I will continue to honor, defend and protect our people regardless of being chosen. Please feel free to reach out and respond with some ideas and ways that you are helping our country. All of us have a wonderful opportunity to help at the community level and continue connecting nationally with others across our great nation to continue healing.

God bless you.
Maria Safi