Nominee's Key Links:
Resume or CV: N/A
Writing or Publications: N/A
Website: N/A
Video: N/A
Socials: N/A
Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:
Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:
USDA or any department(s) that will cross healthy food, supplement, natural health, regenerative agriculture, etc.
Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:
Production, sales, marketing and promotion of regenerative, organic, biodynamic agriculture and whole natural food production.
Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government
1) Is Competent across many areas of natural agriculture, food production, herbs, medicinal mushrooms, supplements, natural health, energy medicine and mostly all self studied.
2) Is Honest to the core.
3) Is Respectful in every way. He listens well to all points of view and can be a consensus builder as well.
4) Has Integrity of the best there ever was.
5) Has Courage to lead even in hostile environments. Has unique quality of remaining calm, peaceful and resilient even in times of challenge.
6) Has a Proven Record in the global fresh produce industry and small scale organic livestock and gardening and time is now for him to have an impact on Making America Healthy Again.