Jimmy Emmons

Nominee's Key Links: 

Bio: Senior Vice President Climate-Smart Agriculture programs Trust in Food, See LinkedIn and Youtube links for much more info on Jimmy. He has a long history farming and more recently farming regeneratively focusing on soil health. He also has a long history working with USDA and would have great insight into making it better.

Resume or CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmy-emmons-921b7673?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3BllO%2B8TkpS2CpjTuSeXmyAQ%3D%3D

Writing or Publications: 


Video: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jimmy+emmons

Socials: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmy-emmons-921b7673?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3BllO%2B8TkpS2CpjTuSeXmyAQ%3D%3D


Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Agriculture

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

    The Undersecretary for FPAC


    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    He will have much to say/contribute in NRCS program delivery and farm planning. Especially in regard to regenerative agriculture and soil health.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    1) Is Competent ... Absolutely! He knows what he's doing professionally and in working with government.
    2) Is Honest... Absolutely! He has no reason not to be.
    3) Is Respectful ... Very. Good 'ol southern hospitality.
    4) Has Integrity ... Definitely, as said elsewhere, has long history in farming and working with USDA. Everyone I know who has worked with him says great things about him.
    5) Has Courage ... You don't get to where he's at without courage. And he's an agricultural produce (farmer)... yes he has courage.
    6) Has a Proven Record... See above and Youtube vids, see for yourself. His farm was an Oklahoma Aldo Leopold award winner... speaks for itself.

  • Jimmy is a legend, a tremendous advocate for soil health!

    Check out clip about cultivating soil and how his family’s farm overcame an unbelievable fire: