Lois Lassiter

Nominee's Key Links: 

Bio: subs

Resume or CV: 

Writing or Publications: Radical Pony Neigh-borhood

Website: www.mybudgetvet.com




Agency or agencies for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:

  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Department of Agriculture

    Organization name(s) and position(s) for which nominator feels nominee is best suited:



    Policies which the nominator knows the nominee supports or in which they have expertise:

    I am a practicing veterinarian since 1996. Veterinary medicine has lost it's way in many ways that human medicine has. Care is becoming unaffordable to the average pet or livestock owner. Much of this is due to corporatization of practices and to unfair advantages of major drug companies in supplying medications and supplies to veterinarians. In addition, veterinary education is becoming next to useless--graduating new doctors who know how to parrot higher education dogma, but can't spay or neuter a dog.
    My expertise is in running a practice and dealing with regulations that stifle the industry. I do not see veterinary medicine through the lens of either corporate medicine or academia. I see it through the lens of a private practitioner and business owner.
    Too many policies at FDA-CVM, USDA-APHIS, DEA are arbitrary and useless to actually making veterinary medicine better for consumers and patients. The 'rules' serve the corporate entities, the schools and pharma.
    I don't know exactly what role I can play, but I offer common sense and a thick skin. I cannot be influenced--I'm a stubborn old battleaxe and I think that veterinary medicine should be affordable AND profitable. Untangling the idiotic regulatory nightmare will help vets provide better care. Also, the encroachment of corporatized veterinary practice will be just as damaging to veterinary care as it has been for human medicine. The difference is we have a chance to stop it and keep practices predominantly privately owned as opposed to corporate chains.
    Put me to work. Give me a problem to solve and I will get it done. I know how to work with people of all backgrounds.
    As it stands right now, Pharma has ENORMOUS influence on veterinary practices. Too much in my opinion.
    A huge thorn to me is the depopulation/repopulation procedures currently being done in infectious disease outbreaks. I firmly believe we can achieve better long term outcomes by isolation and allowing diseases to run their course instead of just slaughtering entire populations. This not only causes inordinate loss, but it does NOT for developing long term herd immunity in populations.


    Nominator's thoughts on what would make this nominee a valuable member of a future Trump Unity Government

    I am most importantly honest to a fault, even when the truth is not in my best interest. I am not afraid to stand up to people who threaten me, especially when fighting on principle. I am a strong believer in always advocating for the most common sense, direct solutions to problems.
    I am perhaps not very diplomatic, but in a way that most don't recognize until they have agreed. I can kill you with kindness if necessary, but can also be ruthless. I will not be cowed.
    I do not care what people think about me personally and I will fight for the correct principles EVEN IF they benefit people I do not like.
    For me, it's always and forever, the principle.