How to Use of Flags

All public submissions should appear in the category that they were submitted with. The public submission process is now closed, but we encourage you to use the forum to vote and engage with the community about nominees which have been submitted.

Using Flags and Commenting
If you would like to add additional information about a nominee, please reply to a thread and add your perspective or additional information. We encourage discussion and debate in the comments.

If you come across inappropriate or wrong information, please select the flag on a post and choose the most appropriate response to alert a moderator. If you have been nominated for a role but do not wish to appear on this public forum, please select that flag, provide contact information, and a moderator will get in touch with you ASAP to take the submission down.

If there are any additional flags or functionality we can provide to improve the function of this website, please let us know in the comments below. Thank you for participating in this historic endeavor!


I am on an android Phone and there is no red button to the right. The link labeled Submit a nomination leads back to the donate page.


Same the apple phone ? No red button ?


I nominated myself on Sunday but I can’t find myself in the nominations for DOGE. What am I missing?


I think I accidentally flagged someone, I am so sorry! I didn’t even know I did it— maybe separate the “flag” button in a unique space, or ask: “are you sure you want to flag?” Thanks!


Just did the same :man_shrugging:

Why wasn’t the edit nominee function not enabled?

My experience when clicking the submit nominee, it goes to a new page with a blue submit form button. Fill in the prompts.

Why are nominations closed so soon? Is there some other process to get a new name added? There are good candidates who weren’t nominated because they were in the middle of campaigning. For example, Pete Serrano in WA state would make a good deputy attorney general. (He just ran for WA Attorney General but WA went super democrat this year.)


So if we can’t get votes to be an actual nominee for the Trump administration, what’s the point in creating a nominee? Are the admins clearing out the very clear troll accounts that have been added to the nominees?


These are just advisory votes, it’s not like the top vote getter is automatically appointed. Though you can flag the obvious trolls for moderator review.
It is also pretty easy to sort the list by votes, recent activity, comments, and similar. The troll nominations don’t get more than a couple of votes anyway.


I could not agree more. I have known Pete Serrano and his family for several years. Myself and an employee reached out to Pete during the COVID Washington Shut downs to help people in the local Tri-cities,WA area who were refusing to take the Jab and were losing their jobs. We were instrumental in getting 50 or so in a dance studio with about 50 on-line to several hundreds in a church with several hundred on-line and then it took off. He then started The Silent Majority Foundation and left a good paying job with benefits to serve the people of Washington and defend medical practitioners. Me and a therapist friend spent nights and weekends compiling list and emails while making phone calls late into the evening after work to help people. I helped organize and even collect donations to help him get started. He is an excellent example of a good man with a supportive hard working and smart wife by his side. He is a family man and a hard worker for the people. I nominate him (I know it is past time) for a position where his skills can be utilized.


Either they don’t seem to care about new nominations or too swamped with current nominations.

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That stinks for people like me that would 100 percent go all in with helping to get this country back on track.

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Me too. 100 percent on agriculture and trying to change the route we are going with it. (Like literally selling top soil to other countries)